First Driver United Recycling Hired is Retiring – Thanks Curt
After 18 years at United Recycling, Curt, the first driver we hired, is retiring. We are so happy that Curt chose to spend the last 18 years with us. He is a talented and kind person that United Recycling was more than happy to have.
When Curt first started, he dispatched himself. But Curt didn’t just drive a truck, he learned to do so much more, “When the company was still small it was more than just truck driving for me. I learned how to run heavy equipment properly, maintain equipment, and make repairs.” Being able to be so versatile is one of the great aspects about Curt and why he will be missed so much.
As the years passed the company grew and Curt with it. “At the time I was hired on the company was very small (4 of us) and I never expected it to grow as big as it has.” Curt has been there from the beginning and was an important part of our team. His continued dedication helped us grow successfully. In turn we have always tried to support him in any way we could. “I couldn’t have asked for better support than what I received from this company…I felt I had the full support of my employer behind me.”
We are all going miss Curt! He was an integral part of our team and there will never be another quite like him. We wish him all the best in his retirement!
Thanks for the memories Curt!
“Ill never forget watching my truck being built at Kenworth in Renton and actually being the first to crank it over…Of course I can’t forget the times I requested time off for hunting season and was never turned down…All in all its been a pretty fabulous 18 years.”
You can read Curt’s full letter about his time at United Recycling and Container below.
Wow! 18 years! Hard to believe it’s been that long but I guess it has. Maybe it’s true time flies when you’re having fun.
The reasons I accepted this job originally were location and size of the company. At the time I hired on the company was very small (4 of us) and I never expected it to grow as big as it has nor did I realize the drive of Dan. How awesome to have been a part of all of it. I’ll never forget watching my truck being built at Kenworth in Renton and actually being the first to crank it over before it was even finished.
When the company was still small it was more than just truck driving for me. I learned how to run heavy equipment properly, maintain equipment, and make repairs. Dan was very generous with his knowledge and I learned a lot from him.
I want to thank you for the compassion and cooperation during my times of trouble with my late wife’s terminal illness and two little daughters at home and then again during my father’s rapid decline and urgent requirements. I couldn’t have asked for better support than what I received from this company. Following all that was my own battle with cancer which, thankfully, appears to be in remission and once again I felt I had the full support of my employer behind me.
Of course I can’t forget the times I requested time off for hunting season and was never turned down or the family vacations we took. All in all its been a pretty fabulous 18 years.
– Curt